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  • Istituto DIRPOLIS

Caffè Digitale, the exhibition dedicated to digital technologies, is back. The Sant'Anna School participates on May 30th with an intervention by the Dirpolis (Law, Politics, Development) Institute and the U.O. of Ecosystem and Public Engagement

Now in its eighth edition, the "Caffè Digitale" event is organized by the Giovanni Mariti institute of Fauglia, and will take place on 30 and 31 May in Crespina Lorenzana (Pisa)
Publication date: 17.05.2024
Caffè digitale
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The Sant'Anna School will be the protagonist of the 8th edition of the "Digital Café", the event organized by the Istituto Comprensivo Giovanni Mariti of Fauglia (PI). The appointment is set for May 30th at 5.30pm at the Spazio Feste Cenaia "Il Fagiolo" in Crespina Lorenzana.

This year's edition has the theme "Education... a journey towards destinations to explore" and as with previous editions, it will be entirely curated by the girls and boys of the three secondary schools of Fauglia.

The day will see the participation of:

Giulia Santomauro and Simone Frega of the Dirpolis (Law, Politics, Development) Institute who will open the series of interventions by addressing issues of great importance in the field of digital law and politics. Cristiana Neri and Lisa Puzella of the Ecosystems and Public Engagement unit will focus the speech on the 17 sustainable development objectives, underlining the role of the School in promoting innovation and the diffusion of knowledge at a territorial level.

This new event follows the success of the previous ones, consolidating the "Digital Café" as a fixed event for all those interested in digital and technological issues. For more details you can consult this link